
영어회화 / 운이 좋아(You're lucky to) / 넌 ~하기로 되어있어 (You're supposed to) / ~하면 안됩니다 (You're not allowed to)

두노이노 2015. 4. 2. 22:20

#1 상대방에게 운이 좋다고 말할 때


You're locky to..


그녀가 있어서 다행이야

You're locky to have her


그를 만나다니 운이 좋아.

You're locky to meet him


그런 가족이 있다니 운이 좋아.

You're locky to have such a family


나같은 친구가 있으니 넌 운이 좋아.

You're locky to have a friend like me


그 일을 하게 되다니 운이 좋네요.

You're locky to get that job.




#2 규칙이나 약속을 말할 때, 넌 ~하기로 되어있어.


You're supposed to


기다리기로 했잖아.

You're supposed to wait.


너가 표 사기로 했잖아.

You're supposed to buy a ticket.


라스베이거스에 있어야 하잖아.

You're supposed to be in Vegas


넌 내 제일 친한 친구잖아.

You're supposed to my best friend


병원에 있어야 하잖아요

You're supposed to be in the hospital.




#3 금지사항을 말할 때, ~하면 안됩니다.


 You're not allowed to


그것을 물어보면 안 돼.

You're not allowed to ask that.


여기 있으면 안됩니다.

You're not allowed to be here.


거기에 들어가면 안됩니다.

You're not allowed to go in there.


근무중에 술 마시면 안되요

You're not allowed to drink alcohol on duty.


그녀의 남동생에 대해 말하면 안돼

You're not allowed to mention about her brother.




Communication 1


A : 그는 정말 나에게 잘해줘

B : 그런 사람 만나다니 운이 좋다.

A : 너도 언젠가는 누군가를 만날 거야

B : 그러길 바라자!


A : He is just so nice to me.

B : You're lucky to meet him.

A : You'll meet someone someday.

B : Let's hope so!!



Communication 2


A : 취직했어!

B : 거 좋은소식이네~

A : 보수가 엄청나.

B : 그런일을 하게 되다니 운이 좋네.


A : I got a job!

B : Wow. That's a good news

A : The pay is fantastic

B : You're lucky to get that job



Communication 3


A : 보트 타려면 어떻게 하죠?

B : 표를 사셔야죠

A : 어디서 사는지 아세요?

B : 저쪽 창구요


A : How do I get on the boat?

B : You're supposed to buy a ticket

A : Do you know where I do that?

B : At that window.


Communication 4


A : 여긴 웬일이에요?

B : 벌써 좋아졌어요

A : 병원에 있어야 하잖아요

B : 일찍 퇴원시켜줬어요.


A : Why are you here?

B : I feel better already

A : You're  supposed to be in hospital

B : They let me out early




Communication 5


A : 여기 있으면 안되요

B : 왜 안되죠?

A : 매니저만 이 회이에 참석하게 되어있어요

B : 몰랐습니다.


A : You're not alowed be in here

B : Why not?

A : Only managers are invited to this meeting

B : I didn't know that.



Communication 6


A : 그거 맥주입니까?

B : 예

A : 근무중에는 술을 마실 수 없습니다.

B : 근무 중이 아닌데요


A : Is that a beer?

B : Yes

A : You're not allowed to drink alcohol on duty

B : I'm not on duty