해외여행/Univ. Washington

2011년동계해외수업 지원부터 출국까지...(6)

두노이노 2015. 1. 17. 08:16


시애틀 홈스테이


시애틀 홈스테이에서 드디어 연락이 왔다!!

주소와 Host 정보가 나왔당.

나는 22살의 아들이 있는집이고 개를 키우는 집이다....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 



A가 내가 다녀야 할 학교이고 B가 홈스테이집이다...


호스트에게 몇가지 궁금한점을 메일로 물어봤다...ㅋㅋㅋ

정말 짧은 영어로 물어봤지만 한문장한문장 최선을 다해서 썼다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

↓↓↓↓내 메일에 대한 답장 ↓↓↓

Hello from Seattle,

We are looking forward to meeting you next Wednesday at the airport. To answer your questions

1. Yes we have wifi in our house you can use.

2. How long it takes to get to the UW campus depends on what time you have to be at school because buses run more frequently during morning and late afternoon hours. Generally it will take you 45-60 minutes to travel the distance by bus. I believe the bus fare is between $1.50 and $2.50 depending on the time of day you travel. There are also bus passes you can obtain once you get here.Sometimes student groups have the cost of bus passes built into their school programs, you can check with the program leader to see before you get here.

We will take you on the bus and explain how and where the bus system works,so do not worry.

Do you know the date and time of your first class?

3. Yes we will supply bath towels and there is a hair dryer available for you to use.

Seattle can be very rainy and windy in the winter so be sure to bring a raincoat (with a hood attached) because most of the time it is too windy to use an umbrella.

If you have any other questions please let us know and we will see you Wednesday.


Sent from my iPad

그 집에서 와이파이가 되고, 수건과 헤어드라이어를 사용할 수 있다고 한다.

버스비는 $1.5~$2.5이고 1시간 정도 걸린다고 생각하면 될 것같다.


으흐흐 긴장된다...






UW Invitation Letter




A가 내가 다녀야 할 학교이고 B가 홈스테이집이다...


호스트에게 몇가지 궁금한점을 메일로 물어봤다...ㅋㅋㅋ

정말 짧은 영어로 물어봤지만 한문장한문장 최선을 다해서 썼다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

↓↓↓↓내 메일에 대한 답장 ↓↓↓

Hello from Seattle,

We are looking forward to meeting you next Wednesday at the airport. To answer your questions

1. Yes we have wifi in our house you can use.

2. How long it takes to get to the UW campus depends on what time you have to be at school because buses run more frequently during morning and late afternoon hours. Generally it will take you 45-60 minutes to travel the distance by bus. I believe the bus fare is between $1.50 and $2.50 depending on the time of day you travel. There are also bus passes you can obtain once you get here.Sometimes student groups have the cost of bus passes built into their school programs, you can check with the program leader to see before you get here.

We will take you on the bus and explain how and where the bus system works,so do not worry.

Do you know the date and time of your first class?

3. Yes we will supply bath towels and there is a hair dryer available for you to use.

Seattle can be very rainy and windy in the winter so be sure to bring a raincoat (with a hood attached) because most of the time it is too windy to use an umbrella.

If you have any other questions please let us know and we will see you Wednesday.


Sent from my iPad

그 집에서 와이파이가 되고, 수건과 헤어드라이어를 사용할 수 있다고 한다.

버스비는 $1.5~$2.5이고 1시간 정도 걸린다고 생각하면 될 것같다.


으흐흐 긴장된다...






UW Invitation Letter



과연 닫힐까 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

사실 캐리어를 두개 가져갈까도 생각해봤고 가방 한개를 더 가져갈까도 생각해봤는데...

그냥 압축팩에 막 쑤셔 넣었다 ㅋㅋㅋ

옷이 다 구겨져있을수도ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

맘같아선 옷장을 들고가고 싶었지만...

나중에 여행할 때를 생각해서 조금은 줄여서 챙겼다!!


나는 저녁 6시비행기라서 점심은 집에서 맛잇는 한우를 구워먹고 출발 할 예정이당 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


신청곡은 김동률의 '출발'

아주  멀리까지 가 보고 싶어~♪